German translation follows:
The way that Obama praised Israel in the third presidential debate as most important U.S. ally in the region, how he visited – before he became president – the Holocaust Memorial of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem to remind himself of the nature of evil and then went to the town of Sderot, hit by Qassam rockets of Hamas from the Gaza-Strip, where he thought of how it would be if his daughters lived there, was, in terms of his callous treatment of Israel during his tenure and the fact that he visited Cairo, Turkey, Iraq and several other countries in the region but not Israel, the most unsavory and mendacious moment of all three debates.
Die Art und Weise, wie Obama in der dritten Präsidentschaftsdebatte Israel als wichtigsten Verbündeten der USA in der Region lobpries, wie er Yad Vashem besucht habe um sich an die Natur des Bösen zu erinnern und dann Sderot, heimgesucht von Kassam-Raketen der Hamas, wobei der daran gedacht habe, wie es wäre, wenn seine Töchter dort wohnten, war, in Hinblick auf sein kaltschnäuziges Abservieren der Israelis während seiner gesamten Amtszeit Weiterlesen…